

益智 • 197kb
英语 益智策略闯关惊悚重口味魔幻桌球暗黑风战斗欧美风
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  • 平台: pce厂商:
  • 原名: devil crash (j)发布: 18天前
  • 该游戏由sixshot上传分享


    该游戏由网友上传分享,请在24小时内删除,由下载使用产生的凯发k8国际娱乐的版权问题请自行负责,爱吾不承担任何法律责任,如果您喜欢该游戏请购买官方正版。爱吾 不拥有任何权利,其凯发k8国际娱乐的版权归该游戏的合法拥有者。如果该游戏侵犯了您的凯发k8国际娱乐的版权,请将相关凯发k8国际娱乐的版权证明或授权证明发送到邮箱service@25game.com,我们将在24小时内删除该游戏

  • 官方简介 提起naxat soft这家公司大概没什么人会有深刻印象,但是如果说到fc上的射击游戏《烈火92》则有不少人如雷贯耳,naxat soft最著名的游戏莫过于此。实际上其背后是日本大手企业加贺电子,加贺电子旗下有个品牌叫taxan,现在是做投影仪的,naxat就是taxan倒过来拼,倒也图个省事。在爱好者眼里,naxat soft有两大法宝,一个是stg飞行射击类游戏,而另一个就是pinball,即弹珠台游戏。
    naxat soft于1988年在pce平台推出了著名的弹珠台游戏《异形弹珠台(alien crush)》,当时火极一时真正做到了一战成名,经此一役naxat就成了弹珠台专业户,后来又推出了md/pce双平台《恶魔弹珠台(devil crash)》,变身奇幻背景,与巨龙、巫师和亡灵骑士大战。第三作名为《邪鬼弹珠台(naxat super pinball - jaki crush )》,登陆sfc平台,题材则换成了古代日本,镇压净化各路妖魔鬼怪魑魅魍魉,并且该游戏只有日版。三作风格迥异又自成一派,都充满了重口味小众向的cult风格,令人拍案叫绝。

    pce平台的《恶魔弹珠台(devil crash)》发行于1990年,比《异形弹珠台(alien crush)》晚了2年。它保留了与前作相同的设定,将弹球与中世纪幻想主题和移动目标结合起来,并有着与前作非常相似的控制和游戏物理,你仍然可以在开始每场游戏之前选择快速或慢速的弹球。除此之外,和前作相比这款新游戏还进行了改进,有了几个明显的变化。

    sound test
    press run, 选择 during game play to display the high score screen, then press up, down, left, right, i.

    get the passwords
    to get your current password, pause the game, press 选择 to go into the score screen 并 then press button i.

    924,000,000 points和73 balls———efghijklmb
    a two player game with
    unlimited balls———aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
    beat the game—launch the ball
    并且 once you hit something, the
    game will end——————————thecrushel
    beat the game—launch the ball
    并且 once you hit something, the
    game will end———————————fffffffeee
    beat the game—launch the ball
    并且 once you hit something, the
    game will end———————————davidwhite
    have infinite balls in a 1 player
    game和0 score—————————aaaaaaaang
    have infinite balls in a 2 player
    game和0 score———aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaano
    infinite balls, 和
    206,633,300 points————————naxatsofti
    infinite balls, 和
    734,003,200 points———————aaaaaahaaa
    infinite balls, 和
    955,719,100 points—————————devilsatan
    over 145,000,000 points
    和 70 balls—————————————thedevilsi
    over 594,000,000 points
    和 27 balls———————————onecrushme
    see the ending——————————naxataaaaa
    two player mode—gives
    player1 unlimited balls
    和player2 32balls——aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabce
    unlimited balls—————————pppppppppa
    25 balls和score 300,138,400———ckdeipdbfm
    34 balls和score 404,330,300———ojfjgdejpd
    38 balls和score 533,501,000———pnbijokjnf
    42 balls和score 610,523,600———cgiagpecgk
    45 balls和score 710,529,000———oehalcbgpf
    52 balls和score 804,379,700———olgggeapof
    62 balls和score 900,057,102———cbeobljgha
    65 balls和score 999,927,400———pffmghgolk
    65 balls和score 999,999,000———nljbcfhgpo
    65 balls和score 999,999,600 ——kgcmmcmlbn
    67 balls和score 976,769,800———omganloija
    sixshot2023/6/21 21:56:53


    sound test

    press run, 选择 during game play to display the high score screen, then press up, down, left, right, i.

    get the passwords

    to get your current password, pause the game, press 选择 to go into the score screen 并 then press button i.



    924,000,000 points和73 balls———efghijklmb

    a two player game with

    unlimited balls———aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab

    beat the game—launch the ball

    并且 once you hit something, the

    game will end——————————thecrushel

    beat the game—launch the ball

    并且 once you hit something, the

    game will end———————————fffffffeee

    beat the game—launch the ball

    并且 once you hit something, the

    game will end———————————davidwhite

    have infinite balls in a 1 player

    game和0 score—————————aaaaaaaang

    have infinite balls in a 2 player

    game和0 score———aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaano

    infinite balls, 和

    206,633,300 points————————naxatsofti

    infinite balls, 和

    734,003,200 points———————aaaaaahaaa

    infinite balls, 和

    955,719,100 points—————————devilsatan

    over 145,000,000 points

    和 70 balls—————————————thedevilsi

    over 594,000,000 points

    和 27 balls———————————onecrushme

    see the ending——————————naxataaaaa

    two player mode—gives

    player1 unlimited balls

    和player2 32balls——aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabce

    unlimited balls—————————pppppppppa

    25 balls和score 300,138,400———ckdeipdbfm

    34 balls和score 404,330,300———ojfjgdejpd

    38 balls和score 533,501,000———pnbijokjnf

    42 balls和score 610,523,600———cgiagpecgk

    45 balls和score 710,529,000———oehalcbgpf

    52 balls和score 804,379,700———olgggeapof

    62 balls和score 900,057,102———cbeobljgha

    65 balls和score 999,927,400———pffmghgolk

    65 balls和score 999,999,000———nljbcfhgpo

    65 balls和score 999,999,600 ——kgcmmcmlbn

    67 balls和score 976,769,800———omganloija

    版本: 设备:华为mate30 0    0